Friday, January 28, 2022

Arizona State Senate Releases Questions Pertaining to Analysis of Maricopa County's Computers
As part of the settlement agreement relating to the examination of Maricopa County's routers and Splunk logs with regards to the 2020 General Election audit, the Arizona State Senate today is issuing questions to Special Master John Shadegg and his team of three experts.
"After more than three months, all parties have finally agreed on three IT experts to extract the information the Senate is requesting from the Splunk logs and routers," said Senate President Karen Fann (R-1). "Having been instructed not to release the questions prior to the IT experts being hired, the Senate is now submitting the list of questions provided by the auditors. We are hoping to conclude this part of the audit expeditiously and without any further delays."
For more information, contact:
Kim Quintero, Director of Communications
Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
that should read, global communism.
Karen Fann, please please please have some integrity and do what the people of Arizona want. We want this resolution about election fraud signed and passed. This is the wish of the people!! Do not cave in to liberal crazies that want global conservatism. Do the will of the people!! Save this beautiful country!! The whole world is watching!! How do you want to be remembered in history? Remember you will have to stand before the Lord and answer to Him!!