Thursday, June 2, 2022

Extremist Biden Agenda Threatens School Lunches for Arizona's Poorest Kids Unless Boys Are Let into Girls' Bathrooms
PHOENIX, ARIZONA— The Biden Administration is attacking low-income students in the K-12 school system with a new set of radical rules aimed to withhold federal funds for school meal programs unless districts embrace transgender ideology.
In early May, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it was redefining sex-based discrimination, in all its federal programs, to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity."
According to the memo, all schools that receive Food and Nutrition Service monies will have to update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include protections for gender identity and must investigate any allegations of discrimination on the basis of gender identity. Failure to do so would result in the loss of FNS funding, which supports food security programs for the poor, such as federally subsidized school lunches.
"President Biden and the rest of the Democrat party are shoving this woke and dangerous agenda down the throats of our innocent kids. The federal government is literally threatening to stop feeding the poorest of children if schools don’t allow boys in girls' bathrooms, boys in girls' showers, or boys on girls' sports teams. No agency has provided any evidence of a single child denied a school lunch, breakfast or supplemental food based on their sexual identity. 'Sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' are broad, unscientific, and ill-defined subjective terms. Under these rules, a biological male can wake up one day, decide he's a female and join the girls in the locker room. Every parent in Arizona should be outraged at Biden's blatant disregard for student safety. This will not happen in Arizona, and we will fight back to ensure this unethical ideology does not infiltrate our state."
For more information, contact:
Kim Quintero
Director of Communications | Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
Don't let it happen. If they withhold federal funds, fine but, make sure it is very clear as to why. These sick "people" that are pushing this disgusting agenda on our kids should be put in jail! If my daughters were still school age and some teacher pushed this sh!t on my them or let boys in the bathroom with them!? The school, teacher, the boy and his parents would all be in very big trouble. I hope there are a lot of dads, and moms, that won't put up with this, and take drastic actions if needed(which for me is any mention the alphabet people would make it needed)
Stand your ground and do everything in your power to…