Monday, April 5, 2021

Governor signs bill providing COVID liability protections to Arizona businesses and healthcare workers
(Phoenix, State Capitol) ---- Governor Ducey today signed SB 1377, the COVID liability protection bill. The bill provides common sense protections for the frontline workers in healthcare, schools and businesses who have been invaluable during the pandemic response in Arizona.
The sponsor of the bill, Senator Vince Leach, says it was needed to protect businesses and health care providers from frivolous lawsuits. "Many of these people are on the frontlines of this pandemic," said Senator Leach. "Unfortunately, that means they will be targets of meritless lawsuits. With this bill becoming law this summer, a plaintiff will have the burden to prove by 'clear and convincing evidence that a person or provider failed to act or acted with willful misconduct or gross negligence' in order to win a civil suit."
Nationwide, more than 2,000 coronavirus-related cases have been brought forward despite businesses following approved guidelines. After Congress failed to pass legislation in 2020 to provide protections to businesses during the pandemic, states began enacting protections to help shield them from lawsuits that would only hinder their response efforts. Governor Ducey’s signing of SB 1377 means Arizona joins 25 other states that have passed similar legislation.
You handed the cdc, fda, hospital administrators as well as the doctors a license to kill. The right to try, informed consent, advocacy for patients all out the window. You then finically incentivized them to follow a protocol that has never worked. Refusing the patients and their family the right to try and allowing the hospitals to label everything Covid. Each and every one of you should be ashamed of your lack of leadership. You should be held accountable as should they.
This is well and good for businesses. However, who is protecting my right NOT to wear a mask in any of these places? The 14th amendment says ". . .No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of a citizen of the United States. . .". Why should I be escorted out of the building when I choose not to wear a mask?
Finally! Way over due, but better late than never! Also, kudos for resisting the vaccine passport nonsense - that would call for much civil disobedience.
Sounds good enough for government work. Now what about the Bill to protect workers who do not want to take the Vaccine? Does a business owner/operator have the right to make his employees take the vaccine to shield himself from frivolous lawsuits?