Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Sen. Kelly Townsend requests Arizona Attorney General investigation of City of Tucson
(Phoenix, State Capitol) --- Senator Kelly Townsend today requested Arizona's Attorney General to investigate an action by the City of Tucson. Last week, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero and the Tucson City Council approved a plan to require city employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination as a term of employment.
"This action is a clear violation of Executive Order 2021-18," said Senator Townsend. "The order issued by the Governor states that cities, towns and counties do not have inherent police power to implement vaccine mandates. The order says a city that implements a vaccine mandate faces a class 3 misdemeanor and is subject to legal action."
The ordinance approved by the council says the city has until August 20 to receive proof of vaccination from at least 750 members of its unvaccinated workforce. With Senator Townsend's request, the Attorney General's office will now open an investigation, and a report will be issued within 30 days.
For more information, contact:
Mike Philipsen, Director of Communications
Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
Cell (602) 904-2070