News Release
Arizona State Legislature
Senate President Karen Fann (R-1)
House Speaker Russell Bowers (R-25)
Friday, September 10, 2021

Senate and House Republicans Stand with Governor Ducey in Opposing Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaccination Mandates
STATE CAPITOL, PHOENIX – Senate President Karen Fann and House Speaker Rusty Bowers today released the following statement:
“The Biden-Harris Administration misled the American people, assuring the public on multiple occasions that vaccine mandates were not appropriate and something they would not support. The Administration reversed course yesterday and will seek to force millions of Americans to receive the COVID-19 vaccination through an employer mandate. This abuse of executive power is authoritarian and dangerous, and it must be vigorously contested.
“Arizona Senate and House Republicans stand united with Governor Ducey in opposing the Biden-Harris Administration’s gross overreach on this matter.
“COVID-19 vaccines are a critical resource to address this pandemic. But we believe it is a personal health decision and not one that should be imposed by the President and Vice President of the United States. Moreover, private businesses should not have to enforce an illegal government mandate while facing potential regulatory and monetary penalties.
“Legislative leaders are already working closely with the Governor’s office to determine the best strategy to ensure the Biden-Harris Administration’s abusive and arbitrary federal mandate never takes hold in Arizona.”
Mike Philipsen
Director of Communications
Senate Majority Staff
Andrew Wilder
Director of Communications
House Majority Staff