Friday, January 29, 2021

Senate chooses its own qualified auditing firm to conduct forensic audit of Maricopa County election results
Today Senate President Fann announced that the Arizona State Senate has hired an independent, qualified, forensic auditing firm to analyze 2020 election results in Maricopa County.
President Fann: "There are two primary reasons we have determined the Senate needed to retain its own independent auditing firm. The Senate has consistently called for an auditor certified by the U. S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). We have now learned the EAC does not certify auditors as such. The other primary reason is that the scope of the audit must be broader than the one proposed by the County's vendors. Our firm will perform everything we have required in the subpoenas. We must bring back confidence that the election results reported are how votes were legally cast. The Senate's forensic audit will bring accuracy and detail to the process, and with that restore integrity to the election process."
Senate Judiciary Chairman Warren Petersen: "Maricopa County has chosen two companies to audit their election. Unfortunately, their limited scope does not fulfill the demand of our subpoena, which called for a deep forensic audit. We need to do more than make basic checks on the machines to make sure they were working. We need to check the ballots and ballot scans for abnormalities. We need to look at the machines to see if there was any manipulation. We need to make sure there was no remote or local access that made changes to the results. I’m grateful the President has chosen a firm that will do that work. Only then will our voters feel confident about the results of the election."
When is the Senate's forensic audit scheduled to begin?
An article on at talks about two audits scheduled by the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, using the firms Pro V&V and SLI Compliance.
The article goes on to state the following:
"The first audit will begin on February 2, and the second audit will begin on February 8."
“While I'm confident we ran good elections, I have been passionate about doing this audit,” said Supervisor Clint Hickman, District 4. “Every election-related decision and safeguard this Board has made over the past year has had voter and election integrity in mind. The upcoming forensic audit of election equipment will be no different, and I hope it puts to rest th…
From now on why can't each ballot contain a bar code that can be tied to the individual voters name? Why can't each individual voter be able to use that bar code to look up their ballot on their own computer to make sure their ballot was counted correctly? If their ballot was changed then there needs to be a place for that voter to go and make corrections as needed. The grocery stores all have a way to follow what each individual shopper buys. Why can't a system like that be put in place?
How do we know the company doing the full forensic audit will not be influenced from other sources? Why are we not having 2 companies doing the full forensic audit? If we have two different forensic audits they should end up with exactly the same out come. What will happen if FRAUD is found? It is hard for me to trust anyone working in government anymore.
When the results of this audit confirm that election fraud did indeed take place in Arizona, it will be a great encouragement for Republican controlled legislatures in the other swing states where fraud occurred to do a similar audit of their own Dominion systems and ballots. The American people must know the full extent of the fraud in this election, who was responsible for it, and the candidates who were the real winners, including and especially President Donald Trump.
As for Jovan Pulitzer, I cannot personally vouch for either his credibility or his ability to analyze ballots, but watching his demonstrations of the differences between real and fraudulent or tampered ballots was certainly very convincing. And as Dizzy Dean famousl…
Arizona wants to know the truth and supports nothing less than a Full Forensic Audit! Thanks!!