Monday, November 9, 2020

Senator Karen Fann will remain as Senate President for next legislative session
(Phoenix, State Capitol) ---- The Republican Caucus of the Arizona Senate has chosen President Karen Fann to return as Senate President for the 55th Legislative Session. The entire leadership team will return, with Senator Rick Gray once again serving as Majority Leader, and Senator Sonny Borrelli serving as Majority Whip.
President Fann has represented Legislative District 1 in the Senate since January 2017, after six years in the Arizona House of Representatives. She became Senate President in January 2019. President Fann is the second woman to preside over the State Senate in Arizona.
The 55th Legislature, First Regular Session begins January 11, 2021.
For more information, contact:
Mike Philipsen, Director of Communications
Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
Cell (602) 904-2070
Since the mid-20th century, tradition has dictated that the senior member of the majority party serves as president pro tempore. Drift Boss