Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Senator Kelly Townsend filed a 1487 complaint against City of Tucson
(Phoenix, State Capitol) --- Senator Kelly Townsend filed a 1487 complaint with the Attorney General's Office to investigate whether the "phase III Vaccination requirement of the Tucson Administrative Directive 2.03-7 violate A.R.S. 23-206?"
"City of Tucson is subjecting their employees to complying with the mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination. I believe this violates the A.R.S. 23-206 (Employers; accommodations required). This statute states that "If an employer receives notice from an employee that the employee's sincerely held religious beliefs, practices or observances prevent the employee from taking the COVID-19 vaccination, the employer shall provide a reasonable accommodation unless the accommodation would pose an undue hardship and more than a de minimus cost to the operation of the employer's business." I am asking the Office of the Attorney General to further investigate this issue so we can help our Arizonans receive the answers they desperately need,", said Senator Townsend.
For more information, contact:
Kim Quintero
Director of Communications
Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
Office phone number: 602-926-5418