Arizona State Senate
Sen. Kelly Townsend R-16
Sen. Nancy Barto, R-15
Sen. Sonny Borrelli, R-5
Press Release
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Senators support Southwest Airlines employees demanding personal autonomy over medical decisions
(Phoenix, State Capitol) --- Senators Kelly Townsend, Nancy Barto, and Sonny Borrelli today responded in favor of Southwest Airlines employees protesting mandated COVID-19 vaccine, and the action of the Southwest Airlines Pilot Association, who filed a motion for injunctive relief in Texas District Court.
"Today we stand in full and strong support of the thousands of Southwest Airline employees who are taking a stand and who refuse to adhere to the egregious and irresponsible vaccine mandate being forced upon them by the Biden Administration and their employer. We firmly believe that nobody should be put in a position where they must make a choice that puts their health and individual rights at risk by subjecting themselves to a potentially dangerous, inadequately researched and questionably effective vaccine in order to preserve their employment status.
Medical decisions are personal decisions that every individual has a right to determine for themselves and that should not be mandated by the government or an employer. Treating individuals who are vaccinated in a manner that is different than the treatment of individuals who exercise their medical freedom and choose not to be vaccinated is blatantly discriminatory behavior which no citizen of our country should ever experience."
We applaud the pilots, flight attendants and other Southwest Airline employees who remain staunch in their beliefs and refuse vaccination requirements that do not respect their individual freedom to make autonomous medical choices."
For more information, contact:
Melissa Taylor, Chief of Staff
Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
Phone: (602) 926-5418
Thank you for your support! As a 32 year flight attendant with SWA this is the most most important fight ever! Working hard to keep the skies Free!!