Thursday, December 2, 2021

Statement from Senate Majority Leader Rick Gray on Redistricting
The Constitution directly encourages legislative member participation during the redistricting process. This Independent Redistricting Commission itself has requested direct feedback from legislators who are familiar with the constituents they serve and the areas they live in. Regrettably, on the same day Democratic leaders exercised this right, they criticized Republican participation of the same variety. In 2000, voters passed a process designed to take politics out of redistricting, yet Democrats are playing political games by targeting Republican leaders who are just trying to represent the constituents and local leaders they serve. This Commission has prioritized feedback from all communities. Democrats should not try to limit this worthwhile goal. "This Commission is working tirelessly to redistrict for all. It's a shame that Democrats are trying to insert their own partisan agenda during this process. Nonetheless we are confident that this Commission will perform their constitutional duties as they have done so with great contemplation and deliberation," said Senate Majority Leader Rick Gray.
For more information, contact:
Kim Quintero
Director of Communications
Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
Office phone number: 602-926-5418