Thursday, September 24, 2020

Statement from Senate President Karen Fann on the new
election procedures by Secretary Hobbs
"As an American, I recognize and value our privilege to vote. It is our civic duty and democratic right. Also, as a legislator I strive to protect that right for all Arizonans.
Unfortunately, we are facing the global pandemic that has made us alter the ways we do business and live our lives. We have been doing everything in our power to protect Arizonans and have dealt with each curveball as it has come.
I am extremely concerned that Secretary Hobbs feels the need to propose unauthorized election procedures. Many taxpayer dollars have been invested in creating safe and secure systems for registered voters to vote and have their voices heard. I am distraught that she is using the current situation to ignore the law and create the possibility for fraud. Arizonans can vote in this election by registering for an early ballot and sending that ballot through the secure postal service. By using this option, Arizonans can practice their right to vote and social distance.
I am calling on Secretary Hobbs to take the advice from Governor Ducey and county election officials that the procedures she is putting in place need to be safe, fair and authorized by law. I understand she wants to make sure everyone votes, but there is already a working system in place for that. This is not the time to test new ways."
For more information, contact:
Mike Philipsen, Director of Communications
Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
Cell (602) 904-2070