Monday, February 8, 2021

Statement from Senate Republicans on court filing by Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
"Friday evening the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors filed a complaint in Superior Court, seeking to quash our legal subpoenas calling for a true, independent and detailed audit of the 2020 election. In the stunning complaint, the county backtracks on several commitments made in an agreement with the Senate.
· In January, the county admitted the Senate had a valid legislative purpose to issue subpoenas. Now, in the complaint, the county denies a valid legislative purpose.
· In January, the county agreed to produce ballot images to the Senate. Now, in the complaint, it claims it is legally prohibited from producing the images.
· In December, the county adopted a clear view of the Senate's right to hold the Board of Supervisors in contempt. Now, in the complaint, the county asks the judicial branch to interfere with the legislative branch's previously conceded remedy of contempt.
This new lawsuit is filled with a mischaracterization of facts to gain advantage with the courts and the media. Instead of making efforts to reach a resolution, the county is trying to score points.
Arizonans are asking for a true, detailed audit of the vote. Any firm hired by the Senate will perform everything we have required in the subpoenas. We must bring back confidence and restore integrity to the election process. That's what our people want, not more grandstanding from the county."
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If the legislature has the legal authority over election materials, and is entitled to audit the machines/digital images/paper ballots, then why hasn't it gone in to confiscate these items from the BOS? The BOS new complaint includes not turning over the digital ballots because it's cursory audit determined fraud was evident within the digital ballot images, and thus easily discoverable. Respectfully, Republicans, it's time to take the gloves off and get this done. Surely, there are some Democrats within the state legislature who remember Bush v. Gore, too, who will stand up for the citizens of Arizona. Election integrity is a non-partisan issue. Without it, we're no better than Venezuela.
It is very disheartening to learn of the failure of the vote in the Senate to push forward with a full forensic audit of the November election in Maricopa County. Perhaps if the Senate had moved more quickly and vigorously pursuing the subpoena with the aid of law enforcement, the ballots and voting machines could have been accessed, and the full audit of this election might have already been underway or even completed.
As to why the MCBOS acted as it did, or why Senator Boyer changed his vote, it must be remembered that this audit would have national implications far beyond our state borders. It would likely have an avalanche effect in many other states to investigate and uncove…
We need a true, independent, and detailed audit of the 2020 election. By not doing a true, independent and detailed audit they are showing there is something to hide. A true, independent, and detailed audit of the 2020 election would help settled if their was FRAUD in the 2020 election and to make changes to remove FRAUD from future elections. The democrats are again not caring about the American people.
When Obama was in office, he transported immigrant children who came across the boarder to families across the US. When he did this, diseases like TB, measles, etc. started breaking out across the US. Now, Biden is releasing immigrants into the US, going to who knows where, carrying who knows…
The push against any questioning of election fraud is so massive - why? it reeks of admission of fraud - is someone, or several someones, being threatened in some way? There is also a pathological push to overhype the invasion of the Capitol building against conservatives as well as preventing dissemination of election irregularities.
Fox pretends to present the conservative perspectives, but note that any who tread into forbidden territory are unceremoniously removed.
The fortress erected around the Capitol Building - is that to project a defense against the 'violent Trump supporters'? Is this a precursor justification to disarming us?
Conversely, anyone can cross our southern border carrying any disease or contraband.
Are there any grownups in positions of power?