Thursday, March 18, 2021

Update on the full, detailed audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County
"As thousands of our voters continue to call for a thorough audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, I am pleased to report we have narrowed it down to a preferred forensic audit team. We are negotiating final details on the execution of the audit and hope to have an announcement soon.
Our desire is to work closely with the County Board of Supervisors, and the Senate continues to believe the proper location of the audit is at the County, to preserve the chain of custody and maintain security of the ballots and equipment. Our goal is to make this a bipartisan effort with full transparency and in joint cooperation with Maricopa County officials. We've been reaching out to experts on election processes in Arizona and around the nation and hope to have the best and brightest involved in the audit.
This audit will be broad and detailed: the team will include, but is not limited to, testing the machines, scanning the ballots, performing a full hand count and checking for any IT breaches. When all the work is done, there will be a full report for the Senate and County to review. Our voters expect this audit, and it can be a big step in returning trust and confidence in our election process."
we all know this election was stolen by the democRATS and RINOS in this state and across the country. their actions since, speak much louder than words. just by the way the board of supervisors of maricopa have been fighting the courts. it's so plain to see they are desperate about getting caught. if you didn't rig it no one would have a problem checking the numbers. while we are at it check all the other canidates running for an office in arizona and how about looking at 2018's election too. i don't believe the results their either. 2018 was a training ground for 2020. let's make this right people
My vote was never counted , it changed in the system from not received to , no record exist , wondering how many other people had something similar happen to them.
Every state should do the same. Audit to!
As someone who resides in california, I am so grateful for the Arizona Republican representatives leading this fight and refusing to give up. thank you for not caving and giving up on a REAL AUDIT. Your Maricopa county supervisors should be in jail and I hope you all make sure that day comes sooner than later. The amount of corruption, deceit and fraud they have knowingly covered up is baffling and disturbing to the highest extent. The Maricopa county supervisors have participated in the worst act of treason and ultimately, denied fair and free elections to all AZ residents and our nation. I pray none of the selected companies or persons working for the selected companies participating in the audit…
How about voter eligibility -- if you are going to be checking that, it's worth explicitly mentioning it in the things you will include because it is a crucial element of the fraud.